Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Our New Constitustion essays

Our New Constitustion essays Our new constitution is now established, and has a appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing an be said to be certain, except death and taxes. Benjamin Franklin I like this quote because I believe it is talking about the power of not taking things forgranted. Just because we as American citizens have been blessed for so many years with a government system that works, we still have to be careful and cautious. The constitution will only last as long as we as a nation decide that we want it to. It is not permanent. Our founding fathers realized this truth when they wrote it, and we as a people realize that today. Franklin also touches on the fact that nothing in life is certain. With it being close to September 11th I am reminded of how uncertain we were last year at this time. We werent certain that terrorists were going to threaten our nation, and even today we are not certain on whether or not our enemy is even alive. These uncertainties tend to challenge the way our government, and our constitution works- whether we realize it or not. Nothing in life is certain. We arent certain about what our day will bring when we awake in the morning. We arent certain if the Stock Market is going to go up, go down, or fall like it did in the early 1920s. The principle of uncertainty... Its life. And, thus it is with our constitution, even that is not certain; even that is not permanent. Franklin said it years ago... and today, it still holds true. ...

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